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“Challenges in Chemical and Biochemical Technologies and Environmental Protection”

Dedicated to the 85th anniversary of
Professor Christo Boyanov Boyadjiev

October 25th – 28th 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria

This Workshop is held thanks to funding from the National Research Fund project No КП-06-Н37/11/ 06.12.2019
“Integrated absorption-adsorption process for waste free decontamination of gases from sulfur dioxide”.


Institute of Chemical Engineering - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee

Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Scientific Secretary

Organizing Secretary

Scientific Topics

Modeling and simulation of industrial heat and mass transfer processes:

  1. Chemical processes
  2. Bioprocesses
  3. Separation technologies
  4. Absorption processes
  5. Adsorption processes
  6. Chemical and Biocatalysis
  7. Environmental Protection
  8. Green Technologies, Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency
  9. Fundamental transport phenomena theory and applications
  10. Two-phase and multi-phase flows and heat transfer; Heat transfer enhancement